David Drew – Principal Patent and Trade Marks Attorney

David has expertise in the protection of Intellectual Property (IP) in a range of fields. These fields include a broad range of IP and technical areas, including biotech, agricultural, manufacture, mechanical devices, plastics/polymers and industrial chemicals. In addition, David has extensive experience in the enforcement of IP and defence of his clients against allegations of infringement.
He especially enjoys working with local clients, including individual inventors and SME’s, working closely with owners and inventors to achieve good commercial outcomes, both in Australia and abroad.

He has extensive experience in obtaining patent and trade mark protection for clients in major jurisdictions and regions, including as Australia, New Zealand, North and South America, Europe and Asia. David taps into a network of patent attorney friends and associates around the world to achieve excellent outcomes for our clients.

In his downtime, David is a keen cyclist, kayaker and coffee connoisseur, delights in his much-loved family and, well um, the Mighty Geelong Cats.

Roger Syn - Patent and Trade Marks Attorney

Roger Syn is an experienced patent attorney, qualified in materials engineering, and specialising in manufacturing processes, mechanical and medical devices. Roger has detailed knowledge and experience in dealing with the patent, trade mark and design laws and requirements in Asia, Europe and the United States. He has an impressive capacity for negotiating complex IP issues, including contentious matters.

He has a keen eye for process, method and detail and applies this to helping our clients achieve excellent IP outcomes. Roger is an accomplished musician and plays the violin with rare precision and flair.